Sunday, December 21, 2008

Okay...just keep an open mind on this one...

So, as I stay up very very late, I always end up caught in the informercial circus, so this one struck me as odd, yet I was so fascinated that I had to keep watching cause..umm these babies CAN READ. So... what is it you ask? A Professor from Princeton always studying adult learning, his wife got prego he didn't want the baby watching crap so he made the baby a tape...and soon after about 6, 7 months the baby recognized the words and its meaning, and within 2 years she was reading...reading sentences. So he studied it, perfected it and made it available to the public...but you gotta watch the videos! WOW...I mean it makes sense, a baby is born with the ability to swim and then forgets it, so if you keep the baby stimulated I would imagine it would work. I dunno but you gotta watch some of the videos. Crazy...and you know what I would get it for a baby too, I mean, it can't hurt right? You gotta see it, check it here.