Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Is that you Ashton Kutcher?

Little ferret thinks he's a dog!!!

Oh...Such an Oldie but such a Goodie!
I was wondering around You Tube and I just started thinking of what I would listen to when I was a young teen and Dru Hill's Beauty stood out to me so much, I had to find it! Granted they never made a video but wow this song really is beautiful. Dru Hill needs to stop messing around and reunite!!!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
The best X-Mas card ever!
Can your car park itself? No? Then your not in the know...

P.S. The car in the pic is a real car, you can read about it.
Oh No! Anderson Cooper kinda hates on Ms.Maddow!

I love 90's style! Live on!!!!

Do you have a cellphone for more than 10 years?

P.S. you love that pic don'tcha?
Ratings for Websites?!

So funny, me neighbors unite to hate on another...
Monday, December 29, 2008
This is a really cool way to know your future government.
CNN has a really cool, simple and brief bio about Obama's Cabinet. It's really brief and straight to the point with pictures and everything, the lay out is pretty cool. Check it out! Learn more about the people that are gonna be running our country! Click here! It's very quick and informative!
Fake INano Phone! What a Loser!

Goddarnet cause I'm still obsessed.
Yes people hitting up the Classics!

Black and White identical twins...Amazing

Sunday, December 28, 2008
I was roaming on You Tube and I found this, lil boy singingBritney
Poor guy his mom scares the craaaap out of him and he's adorable. Let him sing! You gotta watch the whole thing, It's short, most of my videos and articles cause I have a short attention span. LOL...Enjoy!
I love old school cars!

One more to add to "The Addiction"
P.S. My blackberry people unite! Sean, Just, Josh, Ian, John, Nina and Luigie! Anybody else Shout Out to you too!
Yes!!! Keepin it Old School for ze ladies!!!
Me and one of my best friends Justine and Tara went to have some Indian at 84st and 3rd ave in the City, good spot me and Just love it. So anywho, we started walking back to the car and we passed a McDonalds and there in the window was My Little Pony! YES! Oh my goodness I was so excited!!! So we each went in their cause we are all 80's babies and totally bought one apiece! Mind you, you don't even need to buy a happy meal, they sell them separately, score!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
From movie goer to attempted murder...loser.
WTH is happening with the holidays, we hear about the guy in the Santa suit who shoots a little girl in the face then sets the house on fire killing 9 people inside, his own ex-wife's family and friends. Now this, a guy went to the movies to watch the new Brad Pitt film and there was a family in the row ahead of him. He told them to stop talking, I guess the father was explaining the story to the son or something? Regardless, he threw popcorn at the little kid, and shot at the father...WTH...he shot his arm, thank god it wasn't any more serious. But really? What is this? What is going on? Not for nothing, I know that many people believe in the right for guns, but I do think there needs to be more guns laws, and controls. It's to easy to get a gun. In some places in Texas as a promotion it has come with a purchase of ciggs. Really?? Is this the message we want to send? Jeez. Regardless when it all boils down to it, it is the person who is unstable, but letting them get guns easily isn't helping the cause either. Read the article here.
Yes! Captain Planet!

I Love The Darjeeling Limited...

I love this movie, for so many reasons. One it's just good. Funny, off beat, the shots are so great as you can see from this one. They are just so good together, and it's so authentic, they really are there, everything about it is so real, except the actual story. But the 4th character is India, and it's there beautifully and real. Plus I'm a sucker for anything Adrian Brody does. He's a great actor, and to me sexy in his different way, no matter what you say, some how the man is manly as hell. You guys should check it out, if your into really dry off beat humor. I saw it last year in theaters and I saw it again on HBO today. P.S. It's also kinda sad.
I'm tired of you Puffy.
Am I the only one that is tired of the dumb P.Diddy ads? With the most airbrush I've ever seen and one of the most shallow? I can't take your fake James Bond anymore!!! I'm over it!!! I see them everywhere! One for the cologne, one for the vodka....TV, cabs, Time Square, buses etc. I'm done!
Cause nothing says change has come than a song called 'Magic Negro'

Are you f-ing kidding me? You ask. No, I'm not. This is just one of the titles. Some others are: "John Edwards' Poverty Tour," "Wright place, wrong pastor," "Love Client #9," "Ivory and Ebony" and "The Star Spanglish Banner." Yes people. You have read right. Where did this come from you ask? From the Republican National Committee! How great! It was on a CD that the RNC Chairman sent out as part of a Christmas gift. Charming. The proof is in the pudding. Gross. They said it was a joke. Yea, thats sooo funny! Cause most of America isn't already thinking your narrow minded already! You can read the full article here, its pretty short. Take a gander, tell me what you think.
Really? Come ooon, Somebody stop Zac and save his career!

Friday, December 26, 2008
Bill Nye is still the coolest kid in class

A must see if you love African Elephants, beautiful..

What could be better than a Palin calender? ...Hitler?

Thursday, December 25, 2008
Another amazing Space shot...
A new Upgraded Radio Flyer! How Cool!

Cellphone Gun? Yea, too bad I'm not joking...
Wow I just don't know how I feel about a Cellphone Gun...maybe it's just me? Jeez people can we stick to working on curing Cancer and AIDS or is that just boring? Ugh...is this like something that we need right now? It's already kinda annoying how much money the world in general spends on stuff that kills and could wipe us out in 10 seconds...Click on the video for the 25 second demo of it shooting.
I love him, I love her, I love the show!

The Fam at Christmas...LoL
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
ShamWOW! In Spanish...PRICELESS...
So I was wrapping gifts with my mom, and she had a spanish channel on watching her soaps, and I hear Shamwow...I know you guys know what I'm talking about! Well this is the one is Spanish...Holy Shizz I could not take it, I was laughing sooo hard and I was determined to find it, and I Did!!!! It's not even dubbed its just translated so literally that its just to much, and It's the regular guy from the English ones! hahahaha...I bet these are the only words he knows in Spanish...*holding stomach...tears running down face* hahaha!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Really? A Pink Bentley..

I mean look...I'm all for individuality but wowzah this is kinda nuts...a Bentley is a sexy car, nice and adult but this makes it look like Cameron's jeep...and although gotta tell you that was cooler...this is not. I want my Jeep Wrangler!!! I always loved the Jeep Wrangler I always wanted a nice dark green one and pick up my friends and they jump over the bar! Sigh...what a dreamer...

Can't keep the man down!

What?! Umm is this is a sign?
Wow, I'm truly addicted...
Okay so, if you don't know, I Luna am a night person. I do my creative process at night I blog usually at night and I stay up and go on Crackberry at night. So that being said, lately I have been waking up late yet still going out there and taking some pics for my whole business thing with my friend/future business partner Nina. So that being said, I am trying to sleep I really am...(Yes, Josh really...) so I can not. You want to know why....because I am currently obsessed with Arrested Development. I have been watching it non stop. I am addicted to 2 things: Blackberry and Arrested Development. That being said...I will finish this episode and go to bed...Is anybody out there a night owl?
Monday, December 22, 2008
Too Cute...Kill them with the Kindness...
It's Illegal to be annoying. No, Really it is.
In Brighton, Mich. it is now illegal to be annoying. I don't see this is a bad thing per say...but just really useless...and I can just see a bunch of cops wasting their time on an "annoying" teenager when we all know that a 14 year old is.... just that a 14 year old. So I dunno exactly how I feel about it. Click here for the short article and please tell me what you think....
Aww...Brian Litrell's son...has Kawasaki Disease...
This is so sad, it's a severe coronary disease...aww he's so young...crazy thing about this is that I have heard about this before, only because I watch House and I google every single thing that he says...this is sad though...he's just a little guy...
I hope the rumor is true!
There is a little rumor that nobody is believing but I shall dare hope....that Apple will release in the future a small computer...a Mini Mac!!!!!!!!!!!! The name is enough! I have a Macbook which I can not live without, and this would be insane...I will buy it. Oh yes I would...Yes. I. Would....if only this can be verified...yes...my boyfriend works at Apple but he hasn't heard anything...they keep things tight over there...hmm...I hope it's true! You can read about the rumor here....I know it's probably not...but I'm still hoping!
Are you gonna get dumped? or...
CNN has an article explaining why most people dump their partner, it was short and sweet as any breakup should be, but a lot of the stuff is so true. You can read it and see...are you about to get dumped? or...is it time you dumped someone? tsk tsk...all is fair in love and war...right? I have been dumped (although we weren't really exclusive more like dating, but I still called in a couple of the girls...) and I have dumped, I don't care what people say, it hurts both ways. If it is a" real" relationship ( no cheating, share an apt or bills. met the parents, hang with the family, fart in front of each other..etc. etc. ) then it's still gonna hurt you, even if your the one dumping.
Oh Cheney...We love ya, shooting people, f-bombs...

P.S. there's a reason I put a cartoon of him and not the real pic...*shudders*
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Pets being returned cause of the recession...

EEK! 6.4 Million dollar debt?!
So the Clinton debt is 6.4 (Dr.Evil voice) Miiillliooon Dooollars! What?! Really? I feel bad having 1,000 on my credit card! Though I don't have any school loans...thank goodness...but still how they gonna repay that? They better get chattin and start doing some shows or something...that's a lot of money...I would be scared.
My dog is the weirdest in the world...
Funny never looked so good...

Okay...just keep an open mind on this one...
So, as I stay up very very late, I always end up caught in the informercial circus, so this one struck me as odd, yet I was so fascinated that I had to keep watching cause..umm these babies CAN READ. So... what is it you ask? A Professor from Princeton always studying adult learning, his wife got prego he didn't want the baby watching crap so he made the baby a tape...and soon after about 6, 7 months the baby recognized the words and its meaning, and within 2 years she was reading...reading reading...okay...like sentences. So he studied it, perfected it and made it available to the public...but you gotta watch the videos! WOW...I mean it makes sense, a baby is born with the ability to swim and then forgets it, so if you keep the baby stimulated I would imagine it would work. I dunno but you gotta watch some of the videos. Crazy...and you know what I would get it for a baby too, I mean, it can't hurt right? You gotta see it, check it here.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Snow in my neighborhood! Good Ol' Sunnyside!
Hey guys!
Hey guys, I will be taking some pics today with all the snow and mess around mi casa here in Queens, N.Y. so check back later. I promise if I bust my ass I will take a pic from the angle on the floor...LoL
Instant Digital Prints!

It comes in black and red too.
Friday, December 19, 2008

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