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Im excited as all hell!!!

I'm so excited for this its not even funny! "Youth in Revolt" is in my top three books ever. I read it when I was 16, and I read it once a year, because it is so funny so in your face and just completely obnoxious in the best possible way! Michael Cera is going to play the main character Nick Twisp, I love him too! Only thing I'm worried about is the age. Nick Twisp in the novel is young he starts at 12/13 (He turns 13 early into the book) and I have a feeling that they made him older, which I guess is okay because of the whole "not everybody accepts such vulgarity from a young 13 year old" but I really hope they dont make him twenty or something, nothing older than 15 or 16. You guys should really check it out, its the funniest book you will ever read. And I love Michael Cera!!!