Bill Maher is many things, one being painfully honest and very liberal on top of that, he's smart as hell. He just is, you dont have to agree with him but he does make you think. That being said...I love Bill Maher I would do anything to sit down with him and pick his brain. He is just amazing to me. He is very out there and he is very aggressive but..umm what woman doesn't like that?? I certainly do. He was on Jay Leno, yes I watched two days in a row, dont judge me. LoL, he was talking about the politics and all that and he said something so funny and so true that I had to share it with you guys. As if you didnt already know I voted for Obama and the man is not in office and he is already running the country better but whatever, anyway Bill Maher said that Sarah Palin was a MILF. wait wait...
Moron I'd Like To Forget...hahahaha...Oh man he really hit it. *sigh* I have always liked him he speaks loud he speaks clearly and he speaks from his intellect and not from religion and I love him for that cause they aint to many out there like me. But he is. He's too smart and I know people dont like him for being so outspoken and brash, but I love him, cause he's not afraid to tell it like it is.