Sunday, November 30, 2008
More Pics of Dali's House
This is just an amazing picture of an amazing photographer.

Competitive Obama!
Somebody is getting married...
Whitney and Bobby!
We were hearing how Whitney might get back with Bobby and whew that was just a rumor...*sigh* Thank Goodness! Thats the last thing we need , please! We barely just got over Brit!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
My pics of when I went to go see Dali's house!
I miss the 90's like no other...

Hmm...this I might wanna check out...

Robert Pattison will be playing Salvador Dali in a new movie called "Little Ashes"...very exciting. I def wanna see how this turns out. I actually went to were Dali lived in Catalonia, Spain. I was born there and I go back every chance I get ( Catalonia not Dali House...LoL) My dad took me there along with my boyfriend Sharod. It was crazy to say the least... I will put some pics after this post.
Winona Ryder is stealing again...*sigh*

Batman has DIED!
Rosie Cancelled!!!
Amy Winehouse has filed for divorce, yea I cant believe it either this is a rumor and I really hope it true, cause it will be the first sane thing she has done in forever. It only took her way to long and she only did it because he was "shagging" someone else after she paid for all his lawyer fees. I don't get...
Friday, November 28, 2008
Really? Whats going on?...Please people relax..
My hopefully future bag...
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Obama is really tugging to keep his blackberry!

Im excited as all hell!!!

Scary...and disturbing, be careful out there...

Click on the title to read the article (CNN) and yes read it.
Im just gonna go out and say it...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Hmm...Picture Proof...

Or whenever it takes place! What I do know is that they still rode horses and they did NOT have plastic surgeons.
One step closer to equality!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
I dunno what to think...
This is true 90's NY...and I love it...

Woman tries to hire hitman thorugh text
enough said. she got caught. and there was her inbox, because she's dumb.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
MTV will do an African Music Award Show
MTV will do for the first time an award show for Africa, they are hoping to broaden the base of the much talented music scene over there, this is amazing, so many people have so many judgements of how Africa really is, and this is going to change their minds and also educate many with the music and the people. Im excited! Click on the title to read the original story.
Blast from the Past!
Michelle Williams opens up to Newsweek

BOO Catherine Hardwicke

Thursday, November 20, 2008
Rosie Has A New Show...
Brit's Documentary!
Auto Industry denied! For now...
The auto industry was denied until they come up with a plan on how they are gonna use the money and make serious changes. What's that you asked? What should be first on their list? LOSE THE PRIVATE JET. The fact that they went their to beg for money in their private jets is not only a smack in the face, its stupid which shows me that even if I gave you the money you wouldn't know how to use it correctly. So yes its sad that so many people will lose their jobs but I just dont think that it makes sense if anything I think the bailout money should go to the people who would lose their jobs because of the lack of the bailout.
This is so sad...
A teenager was murdered for proclaiming his love in a letter to a girl in a higher caste in India. Us as American's sometimes complain about the injustice that is here, and there is, you have a lot of racism and a lot of sexism here in the US but nothing like around the world. Sometimes Americans forget that they can speak their mind and they can file a rape case. Its sad that in 2008 regardless of where you are there are still places that this exist, especially a country like India that has made some moves to be more modern, especially with their economy plans.
Click on the title to read the whole story.
Cause when your right, your right!

Bill Maher is many things, one being painfully honest and very liberal on top of that, he's smart as hell. He just is, you dont have to agree with him but he does make you think. That being said...I love Bill Maher I would do anything to sit down with him and pick his brain. He is just amazing to me. He is very out there and he is very aggressive but..umm what woman doesn't like that?? I certainly do. He was on Jay Leno, yes I watched two days in a row, dont judge me. LoL, he was talking about the politics and all that and he said something so funny and so true that I had to share it with you guys. As if you didnt already know I voted for Obama and the man is not in office and he is already running the country better but whatever, anyway Bill Maher said that Sarah Palin was a MILF. wait wait...
Moron I'd Like To Forget...hahahaha...Oh man he really hit it. *sigh* I have always liked him he speaks loud he speaks clearly and he speaks from his intellect and not from religion and I love him for that cause they aint to many out there like me. But he is. He's too smart and I know people dont like him for being so outspoken and brash, but I love him, cause he's not afraid to tell it like it is.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Hey Guys!
Chris Matthews makes sense

**Click on the title to see the full segment, its not long, also when you get to it, just click Chapter 5, on the left, so you dont go looking for it...I got you :)
Amazingly beautiful...
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
D.L. Hughley disappoints.

Dan Savage

I have always liked comedy...and I always liked the when comedy and the news join its great, like..John Stewart and Stephen Colbert they are great examples. However, sometimes this does not always go right. I'm CNN addicted I love it, I love Anderson Cooper, blah, blah, blah. Now, there is new show on CNN, its with D.L. Hughley who is a a sometimes funny guy, but at this, he is just plain terrible. First of all, He plays into the black stereotype which kills me, I feel like yes you are supposed to be funny but not at the same time making yourself look stupid. Dr.Drew the fame doc for celebrities was on the show and used what I thought was adult language, nothing above the norm. D.L. Hughley preceded to say '...use smaller words...all I got is a GED'
this is your funny? your making fun of yourself like this? that just really bothered me. Then he had Dan Savage, pictured on top , on a segment about the same-sex marriage issue. Now yes I understand that not everybody agrees with me and thats fine. Im from N.Y. so this always hits me because I see gays and lesbians all the time they are my friends and they are people who do their country proud, the injustice is profound...moving on, so Mr. Savage tells him his side of the story how he feels its his right and so forth. now 1. D.L. says that all black people are rooted to religion and that he has never met a black atheist in his life. wow, a bit general dont you think? 2. D.L. proceeds to say that gay is a lifestyle. a lifestyle? really? like he or she has a choice in the matter? Like my lifestyle choice is to live in a studio in the city because I rather be in a small apt than a big one farther in Queens..thats a lifestyle not being gay!!! 3. He wishes he was funny to pull these jokes off.
He was the weakest link on "The Kings of Comedy" and he's the weak link here! Im not one to go to out of bounds and just start yelling like a crazy, but to me this is upsetting. Instead of being on and doing your homework on the subject at hand you stereotype yourself and thus make yourself not funny and look ignorant.You can tell that he did not do his homework, plus he felt that the ballet was confusing. If you are going to vote on something, educate yourself so that you dont feel like the idiot when you get to it, dont wait until the day off at the voting booth those things are never clear! come on! you have a show on CNN, CNN! you dont think that its gonna come up?! Anyway, hes no John Stewart.
There is a full video on CNN and You tube. You guys should check it.
Britney says life is jail?

Valerie Plame Is coming out with a book!
UK's The Guardian is Reporting that Hillary...
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
They will be meeting...
Lost Beatles Record Could Be Released!!!
Wanda Sykes Comes Out
I Love him already...

P.S. Stephen Colbert was guest of honor! How cool is that?!
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