Saturday, April 4, 2009

I love Messenger bags...I rarely wear others and THIS is The must bag!

Okay...So the one on top is my future bag, and the one on the bottom is  the one I already have (both Coach)...both are not supposed to be messengers but eh...LoL I wear them as messengers...but the one I already have is kinda small, I need something bigger to carry a book, Ipod, small camera all that crapola. So...I think I will be purchasing that messenger...its super classic, and as you see...once it breaks in a lot cooler...LOL...and Coach last's forever. I just have to look for it, cause it's part of their Classic Coach not their regular stuff, and I wanna see it before I buy it. I just love old school classic leather bags, especially when their paired with some cute skinny jeans and a cardigan ;)