Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
I love Giant Jellyfish...

I've been gone sorry..
Yea I haven't blogged in a while, but my job is killing me! Too many hours too many people to touch base with...but it's good. So yea that's why I've been away. Plus I was really upset about this Michael Jackson thing. I was upset for Farrah Fawcett and for Ed...but I figure those sadly, were both coming..but Jackson...no. Very sad. He had an extremely difficult life, with everything that happened to him as a child and yet he still made such an impact and was able to grace us with so many of his wonderful songs. Sad, extremely sad.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
I miss Spain and my dad...dreadfully...
Such a great movie "Love and Basketball"
I saw this movie like 10 years ago and I loved it then and still love it now, it is just that good, if you have not seen it, I highly recommend it. Plus the Maxwell song in it ...its just beautiful...
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Nixon saw grounds for abortion in interracial pregnancies

Young kid leaves clues when he was lost in the woods...
What a total smartie, a young kid who watched "Man vs. Wild" ripped up his raincoat and tied the pieces to trees, when he got lost in the wilderness, so that he could be found...you can read the super short article here.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
To my New York Peps!
Wow guys, I dunno if you have seen the new Barnes and Noble on 86st and Lex but it is beyond beautiful. You thought the one in Union Square or the one on the West Side is nice? Not like this. This one is the best yet, it's brand spanking new and me and Just headed there the first day it opened. Beautiful. Seriously...it is clean, huge, and extremely spacious. Serious go take a gander...
Sad...Very sad...in Tehran, Iran...Her name was Neda
All over the internet there is video of a woman (video brought me to tears, it's very intense) a student, her name was Neda she was protesting in Iran. Yesterday she was shot and killed by a Basij . So incredibly sad she has become literally overnight the symbol of the fighting going on in Iran. I will not post the video cause its really graphic, but if you want to see it...Click here...(it is 40 seconds, but there are more versions, but this is the main one, I'm warning you its heavy and sad) I think it is crazy that all the stuff that is happening is coming out through Twitter. It is crazy, Journalists are not allowed to broadcast or to report stories, so the people of Iran especially the youth have gotten together to make sure that their voices get out. Read more here.
I also think its important to note that more women have voted and fought than ever before in Iran.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Arrested Development Trailer Documentary! (Squeal!!!!!)
This was passed down to me by my friend Akil, cause he knows I'm insane when it comes to Arrested Development LOL...So good, so excited and I really hope that this means that the actual movie is somewhere really getting done, with all the interest being given to it lately..Ohh, how I miss you AD!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
The new Safari for my Macbook is the shizzle!

Wow...this sounds just like me...Aquarius Love! LOL

You MUST watch this. I officially dislike Sean Connery.
Okay, so apparently a lot of people in our age group have not seen this. But this is ridiculous, and disturbing. Damn Sean, you really really let me down. He says that it is okay to slap a woman.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Have a laugh at Luna's obsession...
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Great Advice, Will Smith style
My friend Danielle showed this to me and it is so true. I'm glad I'm hitting the gym and I am glad I have always been a book nerd.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Zack Morris on Fallon kicked ass!
I hate to say this but...Conan would have rocked this out. LOL...Still great though!
Pic of my bad sunburn...then and now...

Another reason Grace Kelly just ruled.
So last week I was reading about Josephine Baker, and it mentioned something that really took me. Grace Kelly and Josephine Baker were in a restaurant together called "The Stork Club" and the owner of the restaurant was racist and Josephine Baker being black was told her steak would take some time. Over an hour passed and still nothing, she got up and starting to walk out. Grace Kelly took her arm, and her whole dinner party and left with her. Announcing that she will never ever eat her again because of their bigotry. And she never ever went back. Now sadly I saw a movie on Ms. Josephine Baker and this was not mentioned. But yes it is true, and I love her even more for it. Gotta love someone who stands up and sticks to it.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
My Beach Day! LOL
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Conan did awesome!

I love Law & Order SVU but...
Monday, June 1, 2009
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