So as we know I already have a dog...but I really want another lil guy and this guy is it. Holy Shizzle he is adorable. I think I'm gonna do it...I'm gonna get me a Hot Dog puppy...
Paulo Costanzo...I actually liked him since "Road Trip." It has to be the beard and the hair, eyes don't hurt either...I love it. LOL He is currently on "Royal Pains" on USA Network.
I get it, your cute. Cause they are. But, come on. That damn song "I'm in Miami Bitch" you have got to be kidding me. The lyrics are terrible, the song is so so fake. It is catchy yes, but it won't be remembered in one year and it's gonna be like what the "Thong Song" is now. It's just big studio obvious. is dead. Now is the time when someone needs to pop out cause...I mean they would really stand out.
The top one looks more brown, but I tried to take a better picture in the bottom one with more flash and you can see more color. Nothing like a little change!
So great! I am so excited that Hulu has the whole yet single season of it. It is that good. I can not believe that it was canceled so fast. I am in love with Jared Leto in it too. He is such a typical musician sensitive brooding guy in it. LOL ! But he does look awfully adorable in it. He still is too. I cant say much for Claire I can not get over this Crudup thing..
I think it looks great! I looove fantasy much imagination and creativity. Because Ledger died 1/3 into the movie, his character "morphs" into three people...the three being some serious gems: Johnny Depp, Jude Law and Colin Farrell.
I read this book when I was a kid, and I loved it..I thought about it today cause my friend and I were talking about children's books...I hope somebody out there read it! It is such a great book, plus it's about my fav animal :)
She is hilarious and took it all like a champ! She is great, I loved Pam Anderson's Roast too. Also I saw Joan Rivers in person and yes she looks like she was wearing a mask...but she was cool.
So great to here that these two journalists are free! Bill Clinton went to negotiate. They are not even supposed to have been imprisoned. Such good news. You can read the article here.