Sunday, May 31, 2009

MTV Movie rant...

I dunno what the deal was with Eminem as usual he acted like a drama king..and his lip-synching? Oh yea? And he stays dissing pop stars right? Hypocrite. Kristen Stewart act's like a weirdo and not in a cute way, but in an annoying bitch way. I'm sad that Slumdog did not win best picture...yes I get that Twilight was a good book, cause it was, I read it, but dude..the movie was terrible. That being said, Kings of Leon were spectacular and give me even more reason to go see them live, as if that was possible. As usual Amy Poehler was hilarious. Andy Samberg was pretty good... The "New Moon" Twilight trailer was pretty good...That's all the rant I have. LOL
P.S. Robert Pattinson looked really good...and that close up Zachary Quinto was a nice treat...LoL!

The Bill Bryson Book...AMAZING

So I am still reading "A Short History of Nearly Everything" and let me tell good. I just want to share something I read in it..which is amazing. 

"Tune your television to any channel it doesn't receive, and about 1 percent of the dancing static you see is accounted for by this ancient remnant of the Big Bang. The next time you complain that there is nothing on, remember that you can always watch the birth of the universe."

Crazy right? Makes you really think...-

I'm still obsessed with Star Trek...LOL!

What you see my Blackberry Wallpaper..LoL! Ha! When I really like something...we all know how I get...(Arrested Development) LOL..So..yes...Thing is..when I was a kid I used to watch a lot of it with Mom cause she really liked it, we would watch the Voyager and Generation ones and Knight Rider...LOL, those were me and my moms show...but when I saw the all came back to me! I told my mom..I was like'm in love with Star Trek..and she just started at me..and said..(in Spanish) " Sweetie, you were obsessed with it when you were younger. How could you not remember your lunch box and Star Trek figurine"? And..just like that! I remembered! I knew we watched it together...but I had forgotten the Trekkie obsession!  LoL! So yea..I am currently watching all the Original ones on but I'm gonna buy the DVDs. Ha! So funny. 

Listen to this song...Promise it's great.

I love this song, yes it's older, but good..the words...the music..everything..

Beautiful Photo

A man praying in Libya. Beautiful. 

Archie Proposes to Veronica??!!

ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Over Betty? Who has loved him forever?? Veronica who has always treated him terrible?? Booo. Thumbs down. 

I saw the Rihanna nude photos...

Sigh. I feel guilty I swear. I feel so bad for her. I mean it's not like its a huge deal..its just a naked body, but its the point..the loss of trust in someone that you had sent them to...which I am guessing is DirtBag Chris Brown. wack. I don't want to witness his comeback, he's a douche. She supposedly was gonna do a spread for Vogue and was really excited about it...but the photos surfaced and they pulled out. Sad man. Messed up. 

Friday, May 29, 2009

I really wanna see this Broadway show!

I really really wanna see this, I heard a lot of songs from it, and I saw a PBS special on it and now I must watch it. It looks so good and it has such a dreamer story. Plus the guy that wrote it just seems like he really deserves it and just really really enjoys what he does. I gotta support someone with so much heart!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Terminator Trailer Song...Amazing

The trailer version of this song is so intense. There are a lot of versions, but this is the one I like the best so far...It is from the Terminator Salvation trailer and is called "The day the whole world went away" by Nine Inch Nails.

Great Pic...Just beautiful...

African American president and Naval student graduating...who is a woman. Enough said. As Americans we have come far, let's keep going...

Star Trek!!!!!!!!!!!

So. Um. Saw the movie. Um. Kinda sorta...Loved it. LOL! It was great! I will go back and see it again...I used to watch them as a kid, especially the "Voyager"one, but I have not seen them in so long, but now I remember why I was so obsessed as a kid! Hence...I will be purchasing the original series DVDs on Amazon! Ha! Exciting! That being said...Spock in the 2009 movie version...played by Zachary Quinto. Um. Awesome and sexy as all hell...mostly because of the character...but...You see..I have always loved unique men, so of course I fall for an alien. LOL!

Great Book I'm currently reading

So..this book I actually started last year, I never finished it cause I ended up reading "100 years of Solitude" with my co worker...and I kinda forgot about it.  I am going to read "Interview of the Vampire" next with Just, but she is reading something I already read, so while I wait I decided to pick this up again. I actually almost finished it the first time. It is spectacular. It is basically a little history of everything, just like the title says, it starts with the Big Bang...then atoms, dinosaurs, it is all written with no jargon, so you understand everything clearly. Plus it is not super detailed, it coves important things in the realm of Science, Philosophy, History etc. I think everybody should read it LoL...You will learn so much, and it written with little jokes. I am excited to finish it. Plus every time I immerse myself in these kind of Science/Philosophy books, it just makes me push further to what I want to do. It shows me, life is short and you dont even make a little bleep in the radar. You have to experience, you have to live, and explore the world around you.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Woah! This Beat Boxing girlie is great!

She's pretty fierce!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

I Love this picture for One main reason...Spain.

First, Um...Yes I like Jay-Z's Linen pants, and I am def purchasing a pair soon. That being said...the reason I love this pavement. Their in Spain, when I visit my dad, that's the pavement design, almost all over. It's awesome. So it just reminded me of dad and Barcelona. Damn, I miss it!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Powerful picture. Wow.

"An Israeli soldier keeps guard near a Palestinian woman standing by a Star of David graffiti sprayed by Israeli settlers near an army checkpoint in the centre of the occupied West Bank city of Hebron on May 18, 2009 during a visit by a delegation of ultra-nationalist Israeli MPs protesting against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's promotion of the easing of restrictions on Palestinians. Netanyahu will have first face to face meeting with President Barack Obama amid divisions over Middle East peacemaking and Iran's nuclear ambitions. The hawkish premier, who wants a 'fresh' approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, will unveil in the White House meeting on May 18 his long-awaited policy for regional peace focused on countering Iran, aides said. AFP PHOTO / MENAHEM KAHANA (Photo credit should read MENAHEM KAHANA/AFP/Getty Images)"

Obama having a fly

I have such a crush on Barack it is not even fair to Michelle anymore. LoL

Um. Unzip file? who? what? where?

Sigh. Okay. First I have to share that my first computer was a PC and I used it about...4 times. Ever. Then I gotta Macbook and Um. I have a blog...So as you can see...that worked out better...I am not PC friendly...I personally think Window's is trying to kill me. That being said, I have tried and learned a lot on my own and with some "coaches" (LOL) in the past two, three months. But. Alas, I have no idea, what they are talking about unzipping. I downloaded the free Coldplay CD that was released recently and I am so fraaackin' lost. I had to vent. No worries Mr.Laws will be there to say the day. Or else. LOL, I thank you now for the future headache you will have with my PC enemy self. LoL, Thanks. 

Yessss Classic. En Vogue...Giving Him Something He Can Feel

Oh Yes...Luna was feeling a fun, sexy, 90's song...and what is better than this? ;)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Holy Shizzle...Daniel Henney...Seriously...

Oh. My. Goodness. First of all. I rarely feel the need to just post about a man..if ever...but I saw the"Wolverine" movie, and I actually thought it was good, although others did not. LoL. I liked it. That being said, this beautiful man here played Agent Zero, and he was not in it long...but enough for me to google the %^&# out him when I got home. I mean when I saw these pics..the glasses...the build, the hair...I mean for real. I just had to share, because everybody should see this absolutely gorgeous being. Okay. I'm done. 

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Glow in the dark animals...

So cool, really amazing, that they have the ability to do this...I love the jelly fish picture, they are one of my favorite animals. I even carry a pic (insert laugh here) of a giant jelly fish in my wallet (below) as you can see...LoL...What's that? Yes, it is laminated. Wanna talk about it? LoL...It keeps me inspired to travel and see and try new things.  I have quirks. LoL
You can see a lot more pics and the article that goes with them here, it's def an interesting read, and the pics really stunning.

The trailer to "Precious" made me tear up...Wow.

I saw this and had to post it,  it is so moving and so strong. I teared up just watching two minutes. I can not wait to see it in theaters. It  is def going to be a tough one to take. It is based on a famous book titled "Push." by Sapphire. Mariah Carey is in it and looks like she did a great job in it. It takes place in Harlem, 1987. I also really like the song from the trailer its called "Destiny" by Mary J. Blige, one of the best in the game. You can listen to it here.  I love Mary, my fav song by her is old..."I Love You" it brings me sooo back, damn..LoL 

You Must Must see this Video...

This is the cutest thing I have seen a long time, and it really is awesome at the same time :) 
It's a baby squirrel that can not get over the wall and how a big squirrel teaches him. Seriously, a good video.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

If your in NYC show the love! For Gay Rights!

I think I'm gonna go, If I can make it... yea I am not gay, but it is about everybody, and I am a part of that. Love has nothing to so with sexual orientation. It is just love. Come show  support!

Keith Olbermann gets it right, Ms. California "WTF"

All I can say is. Exactly. Ms. California...darling...your a liar.

I wanna see this movie "The Brothers Bloom"

I am in love with Adrien Brody, so. Um. I will watch anything that he is in, and this actually looks really great!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Wolf with pups


Eminem as a Super Hero

Slim Shady and The Punisher meet in the Marvel Universe. It is part of the whole promotion of his new CD. Slim Shady is a little I would be scared to see him in any universe...Anger is his defense. LOL

Because Heart shaped Watermelons are a plus?

Because messing with food isn't already getting a little crazy, lets do this totally necessary  thing of making heart shaped watermelons...And their $160 dollars a pop. Great. I'm putting my shoes on right now. 

Stunningly Beautiful Song...

One of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard. Seriously. The video is eh, but the song, is stunningly beautiful. It is of course from my movie "Dedication."  So good, go watch it!

Monday, May 11, 2009

My fam at Mother's Day

Thats the fam. With all the grub and all the homemade Sangria, their all nutty, gotta love them. I sadly am not in the pic, I took it. Sigh. They make me work. LOL

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Beautiful baby! African American baby with huge Blue eyes.

This beautiful child his name is Laren Galloway, and he is gorgeous, even with brown eyes, but those blue eyes are amazing. You can see a super short video here. 

Gay Marriage passes in Maine! Yea!

Love comes in all different ways and their all special and beautiful! You can read the article here.

Great old black & white photos, Amazing.

Rhino, Africa, 1909
New Mexico, 1935
Portugal, 1930s

Horrible clothes such a pretty girl. Sigh.

Christina Milan is so pretty but her blond hair lately is not the best look, these pants..eek. But like I say, if she's happy thats all that matters...but the pants...

God, I love Jim and Pam.

I was watching The Office and I just love them, their so cute. Sigh. And Jim is awesome. He is the perfect man. LOL

Can't buy that kinda Love. Clark Gable & Carole Lombard

So Beautiful, so sad. She died in a plane crash, very young, while they were married. It's said that although he remarried twice, he was never ever the same. That was his true love. Him of course my fellow Aquarius and her a Libra. They were so beautiful and so glamorous...So sad. They both died young..but she, very young. Regardless, I am currently re reading "Gone with the Wind" and I love Rhett Butler, so I was just perusing on Clark Gable...and I saw all these pics and they are just lovely. The fashion the glam, their love, all of it...Beautiful...

Awesome! Bendable Concrete!

It can "heal" it's own cracks, and bend! This is awesome, especially for the future, for homes etc. You can read the article here, its real dope.

Will Arnett and Andy Samberg What's funnier?

Hilarious!!!!!  I LOVE Will Arnett!!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Me being silly with my Mac, but I like the effect!

I like how eveything stayed still, but my face. Kinda cool. Yea..I was bored, waiting on people to show up...LOL

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Michelle Obama re wears beautiful dress, I love her.

Top is Michelle Obama today at the United States Mission to the United Nations and below that, at a church the day after the inauguration. Awesome, its a lovely dress and it should be worn again! It's by Tracy Feith. I think it's so cool, that she doesn't feel whatever about wearing it again. People are so freaking dumb with crap like that. 

Monday, May 4, 2009

A Classic "La Vie En Rose" by Edith Piaf

This song is just beautiful. I like music in French...

The Obama's walking hand in hand, lovely.

I love when people who have been together for a long time still hold hands. It's beautiful. Damn, I love me my Obamas

Adorable Pic of a bear!

I am addicted to Vintage Coach Bags...

Those are some results when you type in Vintage Coach Bag and they are beautiful...the bag I just bought actually appears too, in these results. Which is cool. It's from the 70's and they reissued it this year, so def a good buy.'m addicted to more and more and more! hahahaaha, kidding. My bag is enough... (I also have a crazy favoritism problem, so I can't get another one for a while...) More than enough, its a sexy beast of a bag..LoL, but now for a new Coach wallet no?...Yes..I think this could be the best idea. Ever. 

New Blackberry does not have a trackball...

Looks cute...I kinda like the non trackball makes it look clean and neat.

Disturbing...Woman is getting the Death Penalty...Pregnant, in Laos

Mind you, she wasn't pregnant when they first arrested her...she was raped inside the prison, she is only allowed to see her lawyers 20 minutes a month...and there's more...much more...this woman is about to suffer a grave injustice. Read the full article here.

Beautiful, Must Watch: 13,500 people sing Hey Jude in the UK

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Whoa! Invisible Car?!

This student painted her car to blend into her studio parking about it here.

Sign the Petition if you believe in LGBT rights.


I am on a Tupac trip...

Below is my favorite Tupac photo...

It really is such a shame that he never did live to see that we have a black president. That being said, I think that he was one of the best...and one of the first within hip hop...musician, actor and poet...he had so much to give, but he achieved a lot in such little time. It is so sad, although so many people think he is alive...even me a little, but that is more wishful thinking than anything...

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Good Quote

Don't mistake personality for character...

Beautiful Underwater Pics...